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Welcome to Kindergarten

This is where your child’s journey of discovery and love of learning begins. Children can join our Nursery (KN) setting when they are three. There is an established transition into the next step of Early Years into our Reception class (KR). Children are then ready for the next stage in their journey and move happily into K1 and then K2 known as Key Stage 1.

We work in partnership with parents to ensure the very best can be provided for the children, both pastorally and academically. We place great emphasis on academic success but also the emotional and social aspects of development.  We aim to create individuals that are resilient, well-rounded members of society. Manners and being a good friend are valued and recognised.

From KR children have Music, Spanish, PE and ‘Music and Movement’ taught by specialist teachers weekly, and also have the opportunity to utilise our outdoor Forest School setting.

KN and KR (Early Years)

In our caring and stimulating environment, we place emphasis on building confidence, establishing relationships and learning through play. Learning through play in the Early Years Foundation Stage is child led but skilled, experienced staff are there to provide gentle encouragement and to challenge and inspire young learners.  Our friendly, approachable staff have extensive experience in the care of young children and will ensure that all your child’s needs are fulfilled.

Parents are welcome to contact class teachers and are given updates via our online Tapestry system. We recognise the importance of knowing our children and families so that we can work collaboratively to provide a stimulating education.

K1 and K2 (Key Stage 1)

The Kindergarten provides a high-energy, stimulating educational experience to develop pupils as confident, independent individuals as they make their way to the next stage of their journey in the Juniors.

Our educational philosophy is simple and successful; if your child is happy, supported and cared for in their educational lives, they will want to work hard and achieve their very best.

Our outstanding pastoral care ensures that we focus on the individual needs of every child, encouraging them to succeed across a wide range of learning experiences whether in the classroom, in sport, music, Forest School or any other of the various activities offered at Gad’s Hill School.